dimanche 28 juin 2015

Click through ListBox to underlying Control

Hi I want to click through my listBox (click on empty space) and want the click on the underlying border control. I'm really sure that I have done this in the past using {x:Null} as the Background for a control. But this time it doesn't work.

Any hint why?

     <Border x:Name="BrushBorder" Background="{Binding ActualBrush}" Margin="7,0" Height="10"
             VerticalAlignment="Top" Cursor="Pen">
             <dxmvvm:EventToCommand EventName="MouseDown" Command="{Binding NewGradientStopCommand}" PassEventArgsToCommand="True" />
     <ListBox x:Name="GradientStopListBox" ItemsSource="{Binding GradientStops}" SelectedItem="{Binding ActualGradientStop}"
              Background="{x:Null}" BorderBrush="{x:Null}">

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