jeudi 1 octobre 2015

Stream Radio 2 (Full Applications)



Custom android based online radio streamer application. It’s can stream lot of file formats.
Check the demo .apk file.

Radio features:

  • Track title detection
  • Music cover detection
  • Smart blur background
  • Use your own radio logo
  • Supports background play
  • Smart headphone detection
  • Notification
  • Support: pls, m3u, mp3, aac, aac+ ...

Social features:

  • Share function
  • Twitter or Facebook or your page integration

Other features:

  • AdMob integration
  • Smart-Tap controll
  • Supports network error handling
  • Checks network availability
  • Easy volume control
  • Animated buffering

What you get:

  • Full Android Source Code (Eclipse and Android Studio)
  • Step-By-Step Text and Video instructions (Youtube)
  • Demo .apk file

  • via Chebli Mohamed

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