jeudi 1 octobre 2015

Movie Review App (Full Applications)


Hello, After successful movie review script, We are back with Awesome Movie review app. This app is for all the information about Movies and related content.
you can search for Search the world’s largest collection of entertainment information This app will be helpful to Find released date of movies, you can also rate, comment and review any movies and TV shows easily!
The main features of this code is its customizability and easy to understand and modify the code.


Demo Admin Url:

Username : admin
password : admin

Android Side

  1. Movie Rating
  2. User Comment
  3. Login/Register within app
  4. Actorwise movie display
  5. Genreswise movie display
  6. Categorywise movie display
  7. Related Movies Display
  8. Search
  9. Rate App & More App
  10. Check Network availability
  11. Admob and Startapp both Standalone Package(i.e 2 package,one is for admob and other is startapp)
  12. AdMob Integrated
  13. StartApp Integrated
  14. Easy Admin panel

Admin Side

  1. Simple and Attractive Admin Panel
  2. Display Total Category and Item Uploaded
  3. Easily Add-Delete-Update All Details
  4. Upload Unlimited Category and its Item
  5. Json Service

What You Get:

  1. Full Android Source Code
  2. Full Php Code of Server Side
  3. Android Package hierarchy (that tells which class is used for what)
  4. Full Document with Screen Shot


via Chebli Mohamed

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