dimanche 4 octobre 2015

liShopen (Navigation)

Vertical Multilevel Menu for Your Online Store

Move The Cursor Diagonally

You can move the cursor diagonally towards the subcategories. At the same time an open list of subcategories will not switch or close.

Delay Response

If you quickly move the cursor, the menu will not respond. The desired category appears only when you hold the cursor on it.

Click To Open

To open / close the category, you can click on the arrow-button. This feature is very useful on touch devices.

Scrolling of ?ategories

The height of the block with subcategories is limited for convenience. If the items of menu is very much, in the block will be scrolling.

You can control the scrolling using the mouse wheel, using the buttons at the top and bottom part block, as well as using scroll slider.


Menu can have an unlimited number of nesting.


Menu can be used in Responsive Web Sites for viewing on tablets and smartphones.

via Chebli Mohamed

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