jeudi 1 octobre 2015

Woocommerce Social Reward (Marketing)

WooCommerce Social Coupon is a plugin that allows you easily rewards your customer when they follow / tweet / share or like your pages.

Very Simple !! : You can choose to show our buttons on your cart page, product pages, and checkout page. Then, when a social action is done, a coupon of your choice will be applied directly to their cart.


  • Gives discount to customer who want to share your site
  • Use the default Woocommerce coupon system. You Just need to create your coupons and use them directly on the plugin
  • Unlike other plugin, coupon’s code aren’t displayed on the cart
  • You can also choose if you want to block these coupon when they are used manually, so customer can’t use the coupon without a social action
  • You also can choose if you want an unique coupon use by user and reset the marker when you want.
  • You can control where the box will appear on the product page / cart and checkout with Woocommerce template hook
  • You can choose simple mode for a rapid use or multiple coupon to attribute each action a coupon
  • You can change all displayed text on the admin panel
  • Retina and responsive
  • i18n Support, French and English translation provided
  • Free updates!
  • Supported Buttons:
    • Facebook Like and Share Buttons
    • Twitter Tweet and Follow Buttons
  • Compatible With All The Popular Browsers
    • Google Chrome – All Recent Releases
    • Firefox – All Recent Releases
    • Safari – All Recent Releases
    • Opera – All Recent Releases
    • Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10+
    • Works on all iOS5+ devices! iPhone, iPad, and iTouch + Most Android Devices (Note that individual Social Buttons may
    • work differently on all devices and may not be supported on some – out of my control.)

via Chebli Mohamed

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