jeudi 1 octobre 2015

Square Colors Swift 2 (Games)


How to play? Rotates the square to match the color


  • Devices: iPhone and iPad
  • iOS: 9.0
  • Developed on Xcode 7
  • Language: Swift 2
  • Game Framework: SpriteKit
  • Ads: iAd, adMob, Chartboost
  • Game Center
  • in-App Purchases

Easy Configurations

If you wish to modify some aspects of the game, you can change the variables and constants in Configurations.swift
//Game Configurations
    let configSound:Bool = true
    let useBackgroundImage:Bool = false
        let scrollingSpeed:CGFloat = 15
        let increaseSpeedPoint:CGFloat = 0.5
        let durationGameOverAnimations:Double = 0.2
    //Font Name
    let fontName:String = "Molot" //Info.plis -> Fonts provided by application
  • scrollingSpeed: the speed at which the moving obstacles.
  • increaseSpeedPoint: the speed increase per point, you can put 0 if you do not want to change.
  • durationGameOverAnimations: duration of the animation for game over, if you do not want animation you put 0.
  • configSound: to use button for mute game.
  • useBackgroundImage: the background of the game can to have an image or only color.
  • fontName: font for the game.
    let soundPoint = "point.mp3" 
    let soundGameOver = "gameOver.wav" 
    let soundClick = "tap.wav" 

Change Sounds:If you sounds have others names change it here

    // -  Banners
    let useBannerAds:Bool = true
    let use_iAds:Bool = true
    let use_adMob:Bool = true
    let bannerPosition_bottom:Bool = true
    let adMobID:String = "ca-app-pub-5463627996411476/5864942547" 
    // - Chartboost
    let use_chartboost:Bool = true
    let showChartboostWhenGameOver:Int = 2
    let chartboostID:String = "5384b1f41873da015c88d17d" 
    let chartboostSignature:String = "2166c451c84b24317fefdc953919d123c2cbf489" 
Configure if you want use banner ads -> iAd / adMob and the position Top or Bottom. If you want use “Chartboost” and when show on screen game over.
//In-App Purchase
    let usePurchaseNoAds:Bool = false
    let purchaseID:String = "com.pixelbulls.SquareColors.inapp.noads" 

For use in-app Purchases put usePurchaseNoAds=true and change you productID

    let leaderboardOneID:String = "com.pixelbulls.SquareColors.One" 
    let leaderboardTwoID:String = "com.pixelbulls.SquareColors.two" 
    let leaderboardThreeID:String = "com.pixelbulls.SquareColors.Three" 
    let leaderboardFourID:String = "com.pixelbulls.SquareColors.Four" 

Change ID of your leaderboard

//Rate App
    let appleID:String = "917615827" 
Change the number of you Apple ID

Custom Sprites

You can replace existing images by drag and dropping your new sprite onto the ‘Set Viewer’ in Assets.xcassets. Make sure to provide all versions of your sprite. It is also a good idea to keep the size of your new sprites the same size as the old, original sprites.

via Chebli Mohamed

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