vendredi 2 octobre 2015

Facebook Auto Commenter (Social Networking)


Are you too busy to respond to your fans and group members comments and posts ? Do you want to save thousands of dollars which you give your Fan Page and Group managers ? Do you want to quickly convert a visitor into a lead or fan ?

Facebook Auto Commenter automatically responds to Posts and Comments on your Facebook Business Fan Pages and Responds to comments on Groups. It will not only save your time but will keep your fan page very active. You can search for keywords and post a canned response. Moreover, you can schedule recurring comments and auto delete comments.

Here are some cool features of this application:-
  • Auto responds to posts by Fans / Group Members.
  • Auto respond to comments based on keywords.
  • Choose a specific post or run the search on latest post .
  • Select / Post on multiple pages.
  • Multiple keywords and phrases search option.
  • Add as many users as you want.
  • Schedule a comment on selected date and time.
  • Add recurring comments.
  • Auto delete comments on a specific date or after specific time-lapse.
  • Limit number of pages on which a user can post.
  • Add as many users as you want.

System Requirements

  • PHP 5.4 or later
  • Read/Write Permissions on server (777)
  • Curl
  • Session Enabled
  • Timezone Setup

Live Demo

System Requirements

  • PHP 5.4 or later
  • Read/Write Permissions on server (777)
  • Curl
  • Session Enabled
  • Timezone Setup


Does this app requires facebook approval ?

Every user enters his own application and to use Graph API for yourself you do not need approval of facebook

Is the app facebook policy complicant ?

The app works using Facebook Graph API, it is 100% complicant

via Chebli Mohamed

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