mardi 1 septembre 2015

Woocommerce Grid Layout with Carousel (WooCommerce)

Post Grid/List Layout With Carousel

WooCommerce Grid Layout Main Features

  • 100% Responsive Design Layouts.
  • 6 Grid Style Available( Grid / List)
  • Quick View
  • 9 effect for Inline popup
  • Custom Columns Layout
  • Custom background Color and hover background color
  • Fit row and Masonry Grid Layout
  • WPML supported.
  • SEO friendly code
  • Pagination
    • Show more
    • Infinite Scroll
    • Number Pagination
  • Multi taxonomies Filtering
  • Social Share icon for each post
  • Custom post-type Support
  • Custom Columns layout (4 Columns,3 Columns,2 Columns,1 Columns)
  • Custom Product background and hover color
  • One page multiple layout support
  • List and Drop down Filter option with Sorting option
  • 60+ post Animation effects
  • Fully responsive and mobile ready.
  • Unlimited grid anywhere.
  • Different Theme.
  • Pagination support.
  • Custom number grid post per page.
  • Social share buttons on Quick View.
  • Category wise grid
  • Variable Attribute Filtering
  • Quick View translate option.
  • Device wise grid defines e.g. how many shows on desktop/tablet/mobile both grid and carousel.
  • Unlimited overlap colors with various opacity
  • Build Query : You can choose data source(post,custom post,page,...),number of items and order by, then you can filter them by category,tags and …
    • Choose data source : Select post types to populate posts from. Note: If no post type is selected, WordPress will use default “Post” value.
    • Post Count : How many teasers to show? Enter number or word “All”.
    • Order By : Select how to sort retrieved posts. More at WordPress codex page
    • Categories : Filter output by posts categories, enter category names here.
    • Tags : Filter output by posts tags, enter tag names here.
    • Taxonomies : Filter output by custom taxonomies categories, enter category names here.
    • Individual Posts/Pages/Custom Post Types : Only entered posts/pages will be included in the output. Note: Works in conjunction with selected “Post types”.
    • Author : Filter by author name.
  • Thumbnail Popup
  • Read More text translate
  • Hide/Show excerpt in items
New features :
  • Animations : Now animate your grid items with stunning CSS3 animations when you scroll down.
  • New: Ajax loaded post quick view : Now you can set quick view for your posts. Display more detailed information for your users without visiting actual post page.
  • Custom Taxonomy Filter and Sorting : You can enable custom taxonomy filter for post type grid. It will pull all registered taxonomies for that post type and will display each in dropdown and linear tab so the user can easily filter and sorting what he needs.
  • Device wise items show options e.g. how many shows on desktop/tablet/mobile both items and carousel.
  • Auto-play off/on with set Custom Time.
  • Navigation off/on.
  • Pagination off/on.
  • Mouse Draggle.
  • Touch Draggle.
  • Single Slide Animation
  • Custom Post type Support.
  • Category wise carousel/slider

Visual Composer Addons Bundle Products

Visual Composer - Post Grid/List Layout With Carousel Visual Composer - Social Streams Visual Composer - Instagram Gallery with Carousel Visual Composer - All in One Carousel Animated Text Add-on for Visual Composer Visual Composer - Post Accordion Visual Composer - Woocommerce Grid with Carousel

Note: Before purchasing this plugin, please make sure that this is Visual Composer addons

WordPress Post Grid/List Layout With Carousel

Visual Composer – Social Streams

via Chebli Mohamed

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