vendredi 18 septembre 2015

WhizBiz - Business Directory CMS (Miscellaneous)

WhizClassified : Complete and easily manageable Classifieds CMS

Demo preview

WhizClassified features.

  • Choose between Layer Slider, Parallex Slider and Google Maps for the homepage
  • Layer Slide included with source (You save 11$)
  • Ajax Loading and searching on each pages, it reduces the loading time
  • Highly customizable script.
  • Business Directory CMS for any busines listing solution
  • Create custom categories to suit your business need (yes, as many as you like!).
  • Create categories from the admin panel with lots of preloaded categories
  • Locate your business in google map.
  • Introducing Google Street Map View for your business. Seacrh through the nearby places easily
  • Choose among 3 types of views (Grid, List and Map).
  • Sort businesses for better viewing purpose.
  • View and manage all your users with their listed businesses.
  • Advanced search option: tune your search with every possible option. Use filters on homepage to find businesses in preferred condition.
  • Nearby Busness: use your current location to find nearby businesses in a certain radius
  • View the detail of a business with multiple slider images.
  • Review for each businesses with star Rating Options.
  • Facebook & Disqus comment plugin integrated. Choose between the most powerful review system.
  • Enable/disable user Sign up from the admin panel.
  • Enable/disable payment for Sign Up option from the admin panel.
  • Paypal integrated for each business post by default.
  • Create and modify as many packages as you like for posts and featured businesses
  • Google Map API v3 used.
  • Multi-language support.
  • Auto translation using Google api.
  • Not happy with auto translation? Customize the language file or import your own language.
  • Create and customize widgets of your own from the admin panel. Widgets can be integrated in Home page and sidebards throughout the application
  • Pre installed featured businesses, top businesses, top locations, facebook like box and top users widgets. There is also a category counter widget at home page
  • Responsive design (Works on any resolution device)
  • Easy backup system of your product. Don’t loose your valuable data.
  • Easy management of your blog, news and article section from the admin panel. Try to reach desired customers using social shares
  • Earn money by making a business featured with payment option.
  • Bank transfer option for manual entry of businesses
  • Edit and adjust automated email texts (confirmation, recovery etc.) to suit your needs.
  • SEO support with SEO friendly URLs and customizable meta text and keywords for your pages.
  • Tag Support for businesses with search on custom tags.
  • Log in with facebook if approved by the admin from the admin panel.
  • Google AdSense support for earning extra money
  • Google Analytics support
  • Email management with option to bulk reply
  • Embed YouTube or Vimeo videos for your businesses to display the detailed information
  • Built in Sitemap generator with XML file

Admin features

  • Custom theme support
  • Settings for ad create, update, delete, filter from the All businesses section
  • User Management
  • Custom categories section to add categories as you like
  • Custom Package creation with option to create different types of package
  • Email tracker section to manage the emails sent from dealer info form
  • Bulk email support for marketing purpose
  • Blog/Artcile/News management section
  • Custom widget management for sidebars
  • Custom plugin
  • Page creator & Menu Builder
  • Database backup support
  • Multilanguage support
  • Site settings section to manage all the settings from the backend

Advanced Review System

Review integrated for each registered users on each and every business listed. Use star Rating to complement the business

Choose between disqus and Facebook comment system. Set your desired review system from admin panel.

Location Searching

Search business based on location easily through whiz Business Directory CMS

Layer Slider Included

You save 11$ on Layer Slider JS version

Introducing Google Street View

Google street view enable/disable from admin panel to use the street view in business deatil page. Traverse through nearby places on the street view.

Publish Blog/News/Articles

The most advanced directory script helping users to maintain a blog/news/article section to present special offer to buyers. The blog/news/article section comes with the advanced sharing plugin on social networks. So no need of including third party blog sites.


Version 1.1.0 – 10.07.2015

-Updated the PrettyPhoto plugin due to compulsory Enavto requirement. It is included in the Admin Panel Template and is not used anywhere in the script. So existing buyers can ignore this update.

Version 1.1.0 – 20.04.2015

-Datatable is now translatable.
-Updated admin panel all posts and locations table for bulk date.
-Code organized for better stabilty.
-Added settings so that city can be dropdown on new and edit form.
-Category sorted alphabetically.
-Email and web link clickable on detail page.
-Hide social links on member pages if empty.
-Category sorted alphabetically.
-Select2 plugin added instead of jquery Chosen.
-Founded field value on edit business page [Bugfix].
-Unicode URL issue fixed for details URL [Bugfix].
-Installation bug fix for php < 5.2[Bugfix].
-Opening Hour last 2 days is always closed on edit view [Bugfix].
-Fixed submenu collapse problem on mobile view. [Bugfix].
-Opening Hour last 2 days is always closed on edit view [Bugfix].
-Username change bug after user update [Bugfix].
-Recovery password link issue solved. [Bugfix].
-Title and description lost issue after edit [Bugfix].
-Mix content error on IE [Bugfix].
-Blog posts page tile translation issue [Bugfix].
-Edit form rich text not loading [Bugfix].
-Location newline bug [Bugfix].

Version 1.0.0 – 05.03.2015

- Initial Release

How to update

1. If you dont make any customization on any files then Just upload the from admin panel > upload and click “upload & install button”

or if you want to install the update manually, extract and then follow the below steps

1. Replace ROOT/application directory with application directory [Merge and replace] 2. Replace ROOT/dbc_config directory with dbc_config directory [Merge and replace] 3. Replace ROOT/system directory with system directory [Merge and replace] 4. Replace ROOT/assets directory with assets directory [Merge and replace]

NB: Please create a sql backup before update. Also if any custom work is done on you script then please replace files carefully so that your custom works do not loose. If possible take a file backup also. The update pack contains css files , view files , language files. So please take backup before doing anything.


For presale question and after sales developer support, pls send your message to

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Image Credit

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via Chebli Mohamed

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