mardi 15 septembre 2015

PureChat (Prestashop)


Turn visitors into customers with live chat software for your business

Making a phone call is disruptive. Email is slow. Live chat is fast and more personal. Your website visitors are familiar with messaging friends and family. Give them the opportunity to chat live with you and your team.

Connect with customers from your mobile devices

Capture leads and convert sales from anywhere with our native iOS, Android, and Kindle apps. Don’t be chained to your desk.

Demo Store

Back Office Credentials


Password: demodemo

Back Office Demo

Front Office Demo


  • Configuration – PureChat ID.
  • Fully responsive 100%.
  • Compatible with Prestashop 1.4x, 1.5.x and 1.6.x.
  • Compatiblility (IE8+, Firefox, Opera, Safari,Chrome).
  • Mobile compatible.
  • User Guide Documentation.
  • Multistore Compatible


Release v1.0.0 13/09/2015

via Chebli Mohamed

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