dimanche 20 septembre 2015

Pinterest API Widget - Responsive jQuery Plugin (Social Networks)

Pinterest API Widget allows adding pins to your website very fast, using Pinterest’s api for retrieving user pins and pins from a user’s specific board.

Because it uses the api, results are obtained almost instantly (no web scraping). And everything comes with a code generator so you can easily generate your custom pin configuration.

The plugins allow multiple customizations over the pins being shown: fixed or responsive(100%) width for the pin container, custom height, custom pin sizes, custom number of pins (max of 50), showing/hiding “Pin it” button, showing/hiding Pin’s source link, showing/hiding/trimming description. Pinterest API Widget is also designed for bandwidth efficiency. Only the pins that you look upon will have their images loaded. For a nice effect, each pin shows a dominant background color of the image, before the image is loaded.

via Chebli Mohamed

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