mercredi 23 septembre 2015

Material WP - Material Design Dashboard Theme (Miscellaneous)

Material WP – Material Design Dashboard Theme

WordPress admin interface has been the same for ages. The version 3.8 of our beloved platform tried to bring a fresher design, but the basic idea remained the same. It’s time to bring something entirely new to the table: Material WP.

Every wonder how a Material Design version of the admin interface would look like? You now can get that look and feel right in your admin panel. Check the demo and the screenshots!


  1. Completely redesign of the admin interface,based on Material Design
  2. Drag and Drop admin menu Reorder
  3. Responsiveness
  4. Parallax Block
  5. Login Page Styles

Our Items


Version 0.0.1
- Initial Release on CodeCanyon.

via Chebli Mohamed

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