lundi 14 septembre 2015

Facebook Clone Android App (Full Applications)

Update 1.0.1

Solti is multipurpose social network application similar to facebook with some additional features. Here are some of the exciting features of this application.


  • Features News Feed
  • View other people’s post
  • Newsfeed similar to facebook Like, comment and share the posts
  • View other people’s comment Post Status
  • Post Image with caption
  • Post Video with caption
  • Post status with hash tags Edit Profile
  • Change email
  • Change password
  • Change profile photo
  • Change username View Profile
  • View other people’s profile
  • Follow/Unfollow other users
  • Automatically add as friend when both follow each other
  • View post posted by another user
  • Search all friends
  • Search friends with keyword
  • Direct to people’s profile Notification
  • Display notification when someone likes or comment on your post
  • Display notification when someone follows you
  • Send push notification on every notification received Radar
  • Display all nearby users in the radar
  • Categorized marker view according to male and female
  • Display all user’s profile on the pointer
  • Direct to user’s profile when marker is clicked Admin Panel
  • Add or remove user
  • Make changes to user information
  • Send Campaign notification to all users
  • Tabbed view
  • Simple and elegant design
  • Login and signup

  • via Chebli Mohamed

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