jeudi 24 septembre 2015

Advanced Contact Form Plugin (Forms)

This is a feature-rich WordPress contact form plugin that allows you to add a very powerful contact form to your Contact us page in 2 minutes! But that’s not all! the plugin comes with a big library of ready-made CSS3 styles which makes it possible to change the look & feel of the form with just a few clicks even if you have no CSS knowledge! All the styles are retina-ready, cross-browser, and responsive! :)

Here are top reasons you may fall in love with this contact form plugin!

  • 2 minutes to setup & integrate (Watch the screencasts available in the live preview to see it for yourself)
  • No crap included to increase sales!
  • Works with any theme!
  • Unlimited number of forms
  • Huge library of ready-made styles!
  • Visual Composer support!
  • XSS protection
  • CSRF protection
  • Anti-Spam flood protection
  • Image CAPTCHA
  • Hidden CAPTCHA (honey pot)
  • Riddle CAPTCHA
  • E-mail address blacklist
  • IP address blacklist
  • Customizable form field labels
  • Customizable submit button text
  • Customizable e-mail subject & body
  • Customizable automatic response
  • Customizable subscription notifications
  • Customizable subscription verification
  • Customizable newsletter field
  • Fully translatable riddles (for the CAPTCHA)
  • Fully compatible with WPML, Polylang etc.
  • PO file available
  • Multiple recipients, with CC & BCC support!
  • File attachments(plus validation)
  • SMTP authentication (with WP built-in PHPMailer)
  • Per-form configuration customization
  • Plain text & HTML e-mails support
  • Optional redirection on success
  • Optional last name requirement
  • Optional & automatic subscription
  • Subscription notification
  • E-mail address verification
  • Subscription CSV Export (UTF-8 compatible)
  • Web accessibility best practices
  • Progressive enhancement
  • Unobtrusive JavaScript\AJAX
  • Unobtrusive client-side validation
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Retina-friendly styles!
  • Minimum HTTP requests
  • Optimized CSS, HTML, and JavaScript
  • Customizable “From:” e-mail header
  • DMARC\ADSP compliance(for iPage, GoDaddy, etc)
  • Least 3rd-party dependencies possible
  • Semantic structure
  • Automatic updates
  • Minimized CSS & JavaScript
  • Cross-browser support
  • And really much more …

Don’t forget the screencasts!

Please watch all our screencasts in the live preview under the “Screenshots” tab :)

via Chebli Mohamed

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