mercredi 5 août 2015

EDD Updates (Add-ons)

Intended to work with Easy Digital Downloads, this plugin will allow you to have your plugins or themes have automatic updating built into it without the use of license keys. All that someone, of whom purchased your theme or plugin, has to do is just click on “Check for updates” and it will check your website for if the download. If there is a newer version available it will make it available for updating.

This will work with hidden or private download pages so you don’t have to distribute your plugin or theme through your site. It is still possible to do this and make the plugin or theme exclusive to codecanyon. Or, you can distribute alongside both your site and codecanyon. It is entirely up to you!

Support for this plugin is done via our website at http://Extend.BT4.ME/.

via Chebli Mohamed

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